

In the field of logistics, Zevij-Necomij offers more and more services. Initially, the strategic choice was made to make more intensive use of the central warehouse in Oosterhout.

This turns out to be more efficient and therefore cost-reducing and more sustainable. In addition to this, Zevij-Necomij has further expanded its logistics services and now supplies as much as possible in crates, taking into account the warehouse layout of the members. In addition, the stock of runners is growing, so that delivery times have been reduced and Zevij-Necomij also offers additional logistics services, such as drop shipment.

Logistics for the future

Zevij-Necomij improves both efficiency and sustainability within logistics by claiming a role here. That is a strategic choice. Zevij-Necomij knows a ‘buyer-‘ and a ‘Stock warehouse’ . Only items where costs are saved in the chain are put in stock. The stock level is growing at Zevij-Necomij in order to shorten delivery times. Joint purchasing is an efficient way of joint purchasing with many additional benefits, whereby the goods are distributed to the members via ‘bulk break’. Significant progress has been made here in the field of mechanization and digitization.

Zevij-Necomij has already developed a lot for this process, such as the digital packing slip, track & trace, route planning, a virtual warehouse (connections with warehouse suppliers) and scanning packaging. In addition, more and more logistical customization is being realized.

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